If you would like to report your student's absence, you may do so by either:
Filling out the online Student Absence Form
Calling 916-933-3767 push # 4
Emailing Caitlin Brooks at
Please list your name, relationship, student name, dates absent, and reason for absence
Daily school attendance is critical for a student’s success. By law, parents are obligated to send their child to school daily. Parents are strongly encouraged to schedule medical appointments during non-school hours. A student’s absence from school shall be excused for the following reasons: personal illness, quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer, medical appointments, attendance at a funeral service for a member of the immediate family, or required court appearance.
Upon advance written request by the parent/guardian and the approval of the principal or designee, justifiable personal reasons for absences include but are not limited to the following: observation of a holiday or ceremony of his/her religion, attendance at religious retreats not to exceed four hours per semester, participation in religious instruction or exercises in accordance with district policy. All other absences are considered unexcused. Whenever possible, a student absent for a reason other than illness should attend at least the minimum school day.
When a student who has been absent returns to school, the parent needs to provide a written note or contact the school office to verify the reason for the absence. Absences/tardies can be cleared within a two-week window of the date of the absence. School absences are monitored carefully throughout the year. If a student has more than fourteen absences in a school year for illness, a physician may be asked to verify further absences for illness. Excessive excused absences and/or tardies may also require notification to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Students who are tardy more than twice in a trimester will be assigned consequences (loss of merits, detention, etc.). A student absent from school without a valid excuse or tardy in excess of thirty minutes (30) or more on three (3) or more days in one (1) school year is considered truant. Parents will receive written notification in the event their child is truant. Students who continue to have unexcused absences or tardies of thirty minutes (30) or more may also require notification to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB). This is a requirement of the California Education Code 48200 (Reference Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 5113.1).
Do you have an upcoming planned absence? Please see your school office OR print out both pages of the INDEPENDENT STUDY CONTRACT and return them to your school office. (Details: BP6158 & AR6158)